history تاریخچه

Noavaran Borna Gostar Parsi Company started its activities as a Brick Line Equipment Manufacturer in 2006 under the name of Brick Industry Group. The group has been targeting and creating a subset of brick manufacturers, machine makers, engineering and design companies, industrial workshops, and well-known experts, and some members have had more than 30 years in the industry. The purpose of this group is to revive the brick industry in the country and to update its technology and produce new products based on clay. Partners include “Adl Brick” and “Kimia Adl” Bricks Manufacturers as clay brick manufacturers, “Poya Sanat” Trading as a specialist in supplying all spare parts and equipment for brick factories. The complex is believed that clay brick is and will be one of the best building materials due to the climatic and geological conditions of areas such as Iran and the Middle East.